Home - Part 21 Subpart J and F

Aviation Engineering Projects

Fulfilling our commitment...

To Modernize and Optimize Aircraft Operations, We provide various upgrades and modifications aimed at enhancing the efficiency, safety, and overall performance of aircraft systems to have a more advanced and streamlined aviation experience.

inside of an airplane with dark blue seats representing of LOPA change project of Ameen company - Part 21 Subpart J and F

Multi-color LED Light

Replacing fluorescent lights to multi-color LED with more brightness and longer lifespan.

light blue seats inside an airplane near its windows representing of LOPA change project of Ameen company - Part 21 Subpart J and F

LOPA Change

Changing the interior configuration of the cabin in a major way through a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).

an white airplane on a world map representing of Ameen ADS-B DO-260B project - Part 21 Subpart J and F


By ADS-B, DO-260B standard, aircraft operators can improve situational awareness, optimize flight routes, etc.

EFB system of airplane representing of Installation of EFB system project of Ameen company - Part 21 Subpart J and F

EFB (Electronic Flight Bag)

Benefits airplanes by improving efficiency, providing real-time data access, offering cost saving and etc. 

an airplane in the road at night with all exterior lights on representing of Ameen installation exterior light project - Part 21 Subpart J and F

Exterior LED Light

Improved energy efficiency, longer lifespan, reduced maintenance costs, enhanced visibility and etc.

a airplane FMS device in front with cabin of pilot behind it representing of modification of FMGC project of Ameen - Part 21 Subpart J and F

FMGC Project

FMS1 to FMS2 modification which introduces additional operational capabilities.

a airplane FMS device in front with cabin of pilot behind it representing of modification of FMGC project of Ameen - Part 21 Subpart J and F

RFID Solution

It can help aviation businesses streamline operations, improve efficiency, enhance safety, and reduce costs.


        Our Projects

  Part 21 Subpart  J and F                 

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